Entry to a normal Saturday competition is by ticket draw, some 11 days before the event, on a Tuesday evening at approximately 19:45 unless advised otherwise.
A drawn member may append 3 names during the summer season but may apply 4 names during the winter season when 4 Ball events are more the norm.
There are several groups within the membership entitled to have their names added to the start sheet prior to a draw, these comprise Council & Committee members, Board members and those who advise before the draw they are unable to attend due to, representing the club in league competitions or they are away on holiday. In all these circumstances, accomodations will be made if deemed possible by the Handicaps Committee
Draws for Captain and President Weekends are drawn on a Tuesday evening approximately 3 weeks before the event. Again at 19:45. The specific dates are shown on the annual Fixture List. Entry to these 2 major competitions is subject to conditions agreed with the Captain and President and posted on notice boards well prior to the draws being made.
Men's Invitation Days, of which there are currently 2 (Spring & Summer) do not have draws. The sheets for both are posted for entry early in the season to allow members the maximum amount of time to make arrangements with their partners. The format for these are 4 Ball Better Ball Stablefords (90% Handicap Allowance) involving sequential tee times as shown on the entry sheets.
Once booking sheets have been posted on the notice board, members may add their names to any blank space.